Monday, July 12, 2010

Mossy Green Moss Stitch

The mossy cardi continues to grow this week end, thanks to time in the passenger seat and a bit of porch sitting.  I finally made it to the arm holes - in fact the decreases are nearly finished and I can do a bit of mindless knitting until it's time for the collar shaping.  I am quite happy with it.  I love the color and the fabric, as well as the process.  I'm not having any trouble melding the 2 patterns, nor do I expect any trouble doing my own mods later.

I spent the weekend with a friend in North Georgia, with a side trip to Atlanta for a bit of retail therapy.  As I have mentioned in this blog, I have been spending some time and energy on my home.  Some delayed maintenance, some improvement and just a decision to make it a better place to live.  To that end, we went to Ikea where I continued that endeavor.  A classic bentwood 'Poang' chair & footstool, functional bed sidetables and a storage unit will go a long way to making my home a nicer place to be. At the risk of sounding like a commercial, I love Ikea.  The clean, modern design appeals to me and I love the tiny, model apartments set up in the store, though I always try to find a home for the spinning wheel, fiber stash and enough space for books.  Though I guess that's what all those storage units are for.   Then the fun comes when you get to assemble your goodies.  I am totally charmed by the elegant way everything fits together as well as the pictographic instructions.  

In the natural world:  It's raining!  A steady rain most of today, I came home to a naturally watered garden, lots of green beans but also evidence that some furry creature has been snacking in the garden.  Luckily bunny foo-foo (or whoever) likes the green bean leaves, but not the vines or beans themselves.  A few tiny okra pods have shown up and the butternut squash are turning buff.  The tomatoes are still green.

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