A lovely surprise came in the mail the other day. For a few years I have been a member of a fiber marketing initiative called '
Phat Fiber.' Indie fiber producers contribute to a sampler box and each month these are made available for purchase. If people like your yarn or roving or stitch markers, they might buy from your online shop.
Along with this, a community has formed along with the fiber exchange. We decided this year to move the gift exchanges away from the traditional holiday season to a less busy time. After all, who need more to do during the holidays? We decided to move it to early February - a time that can be a bit quiet both in the fiber business and people's lives. Although I don't always join in gift exchanges, thought this one might be fun.
When I got home from work the other evening, a decorated box was waiting for me. It's from Melissa at
Hello Purl.
When I opened it up, there was a note...
And it was full of goodies...
Jammed full...
I found a fabulous art batt in Hello Purl's 'Fire Pit' colorway, hand dyed silk hankies, an ounce of charcoal grey Lincoln locks, 2 hand made walnut buttons, a box of Tazo tea and a package of way cute chocolate truffles in the shape of bears! With lots of cool stuff in
her Etsy shop, Hello Purl's work is fun and creative. I can't wait to Spin up the art batt the mix of fibers, colors and textures is so rich!
Thanks Melissa! I am happy to be part of this amazing group!