So I have this box of beads - some purchased over the years, some more recent acquisitions, a number of disassembled necklaces and other random bits. But I don't seem to know what to do with them. Under D's tutelage, I made 2 very cool necklaces and matching earrings, using mostly my accumulation of beads, a healthy contribution from D and only a couple of missteps that included picking up a lot of beads! All this was in between cooking great meals (all of which featured Georgia peaches and home grown tomatoes), daily swimming and hiking, and intelligent conversation. Deer abound in their neighborhood. We saw them while driving, hiking, even hanging out in the yard.
Although I am a wee bit behind on my dyeing and spinning schedules, my knitting is coming nicely. I knit about 6 hats, including 4 children's hats in sweet colors and small sizes. My supply of merino came in and my first few dyepots came out very nice. No felting, but I do need to remember not to crowd the fiber in the pot - it's denser that I'm used to.
The NC Mountain State Fair begins its 10 day run this coming weekend. I've entered 2 skeins of yarn, 3 hats and a particularly fine butternut squash. It is about 5 times the size of the others already entered, but the skin was not perfect. We shall see if size really matters.
Progress on the fiber front:
- Knitted the 6 aforementioned hats
- Finished 6 skeins of yarn
- Dyed roving (except while out of town)
- Listed and sold regularly on Etsy
- Caught up on my SMF accounting
- Patterns well underway (samples knitted, yarn measured - still need better pictures)