Friday, July 2, 2010

The Mossy Cardi - Cast on!

Well, I cast on the Cirrus/Drops 103-1 variant this week.  The hardest part was figuring what part of each design that I wanted.  Basically it's construction style of the Cirrus with the detailing of the Drops.  I'll make every effort to document my variations as well as my progress on my Ravelry page.  The yarn, Louet Riverstone chunky is a lovely mossy green.  It's only 7 centimeters long so far (which somehow sounds longer than 2 3/4 inches), but I have not spent much time on it yet. 

I am not one of those notable knitting bloggers who decides to cast on a sweater and completes it within a week or two.  What with a commitment to spinning again, the garden to tend and a quite full time day job that has been very interesting (dare I say fun) lately, knitting is something that has lately been in tiny bits and pieces.  A Windy City hat took me 2 weeks!  Of course the actual knitting was about 2 hours!  My only goal at this point is to wear the sweater sometime this winter!

The US Independence Day holiday weekend is here and with it a fun party up in the country just a short hike to the French Broad River.  We will likely dip our toes into the drink! 

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